Preventive Care & WellCare Plans
Preventive Care
Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a “senior citizen,” or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. This information will help us identify medical problems and any other issues that can affect your pet’s health and quality of life.
A wellness examination includes an evaluation of all of your pet’s major organ systems. We’ll use the wellness visit to ask you questions about your pet’s behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. This is also an excellent time for us to discuss any routine diagnostic testing that may benefit your pet or to recommend any vaccinations that may be due. Vaccinations play a crucial role in effective wellness care. They protect your pet against a wide array of preventive and deadly diseases. Vaccines for dogs include those that guard against parvovirus, distemper virus, adenovirus-2, rabies, bordetella, and leptospirosis. Vaccines for cats include herpesvirus-1, feline calicivirus, feline panleukopenia virus, feline leukemia, rabies, immunodeficiency virus, chlamydia felis, and feline infectious peritonitis.
If it’s been more than a year since your pet’s last physical exam, give us a call at (845) 331-0240 today!
WellCare Plans
To take the guesswork out of wellness care for your pets, consider purchasing one of our affordable WellCare Plans, which include unlimited preventive care for one whole year!
How do our WellCare Plans work? It’s simple—pay one price for one year of preventive care services for your pet. Then you can bring that pet to Kingston Animal Hospital at no additional cost as many times as you like during the year.
The plans are intended for preventive care only. Therefore, sick or emergency visits are NOT included.
Other than that, our goal is simply to ensure that we will have the opportunity to provide the highest standard of veterinary care for the long-term health of your pet; participation in one of our preventive care plans enables us to do so.
All of our plans cover unlimited fecal parasite testing, intestinal deworming treatments, nail trims, ear cleanings, and simple anal gland expressions. Read on for the details of specific plans.
Complete WellCare Plans for Puppies include:
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- One heartworm/Lyme disease test
- $50 off spay/neuter
- Medical waste fees
Complete WellCare Plans for Dogs include:
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- Medical waste fees
- ProHeart (12 mo. heartworm injection)
Complete WellCare Plans for Senior Dogs
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- Medical waste fees
- ProHeart (12 mo. heartworm injection)
Complete WellCare Plans for Kittens
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- One FELV/FIV Test
- $50 off spay/neuter
- Medical waste fees
Complete WellCare Plans for Cats
- Two wellness exams
- Annual vaccines
- Annual bloodwork
- Medical waste fees
Senior Feline WellCare Plan includes:
- Two wellness exams
- Senior wellness bloodwork
- Two preventive X-rays
- Medical waste fees
*Pet cannot receive additional vaccines prior to program renewal.
*For preventive care only. Does not include sick or emergency visits.
*Does not include flea, tick, or oral heartworm prevention.